High School Work
Approved Revision for SY 2018-2019
In cognizance to DepEd Order No. 43 issued May 28, 2012 which is in compliance with the Guidelines on the Implementation of Executive Order No. 66, entitled “Prescribing Rules on the Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in Government Offices Due to Typhoons, Flooding, Other Weather Disturbances and Calamities.” The following are to be observed: by all concerned regional, division and school officials of both public and private schools on the automatic cancellation/suspension of classes: when Signal No. 1 is raised by PAGASA, public and private pre-school and kindergarten classes in the affected areas shall be automatically cancelled or suspended.
When Signal No. 2 is raised by PAGASA, public and private preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and secondary classes in the affected areas shall be automatically cancelled and suspended.
In the absence of typhoon signal warning from PAGASA, localized cancellation/suspension of classes in both public and private school and work on government offices may be implemented by the local chief executives in their capacity as chairperson of the local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils (DRRMC).
Thus, concerned local DepEd and private school officials are directed to establish effective lines of communication with the respective local government units (LGUs).
As stated in Sec. 2, EO 66, LGU officials are expected to announce cancellation or suspension of classes not later than 4:30 a.m. for whole day cancellation or suspension or not later than 11:00 a.m. for afternoon cancellation or suspension.
He also said that decisions on and subsequent announcement of cancellation/suspension of classes in public and private schools and work in government offices areas affected by elementary or calamities other than typhoons, such as, but not limited to floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and conflagration, shall be made by the local government as Chairperson of the LDRRMC, in coordination with the NDRRMC through all forms of mass media available under the circumstances.
Likewise, the Education Secretary said DepEd still maintains that parents have the ultimate responsibility for determining whether or not the children should go to school, even if no order for cancellation/suspension of classes has been issued, if they feel that travelling to or from schools will place their children at risk.
Parents are then advised to check from media advisories in times of typhoons, floods disasters, calamities and other weather disturbances coming from PAGASA, National DRRMC, Regional DRRMC, Local DRRMC, or the Office of the President itself, Secretary Luistro added. (PIA-10 Mis. Occ.)
Note that make up classes shall be conducted until further announcement.
CSSM gives prime importance to the cooperative effort between the home and the school in the holistic upbringing of students. The school has set up several means of communication with parents in order to keep them abreast with the activities in school and of their child’s academic performance. Parents are expected to cooperate to ensure immediate solutions to problems, concerns or other situations.
Parent – Teacher Conferences –The Class Advisers issue the Report Cards of the students every quarter. It is during this time when the teachers will have the opportunity to meet the parents and consultations happen. Priority is given to students who are deemed “at risk” of getting low grades. Discussion is geared towards ways and means to draw the best out of the child. The focus of discussion will be on the areas for improvement and the areas needed to sustain their child's progress. In the subsequent grading periods, the Class Advisers give more attention to the students with academic difficulties. Scheduled conferences are done with the parents of these students. Each parent is encouraged to be present in these conferences. The cards of students without academic concerns are given to the students themselves.
The Student Handbook–Aside from containing the rules and regulations of the school, serve as the major means of communication between the home and the school. In it, parents will be able to have a view of their child’s needed school work and at the same time be able to communicate their concerns with the teacher. School announcements will also be posted here.
Facebook – Up to date information or emergency announcements will be posted in the school’s official FB page at https://www.facebook.com/cssm.edu.ph/?ref=br_rs
Independent Consultation – Parents who wish to confer with the administration or teachers outside the scope of the aforementioned activities may do so by setting an appointment (personally or through the child) with the Registrar’s Office or the Office of the Principal. Parents are enjoined not to meet or confer with any faculty or staff without the approval of the Academic Coordinators or the Coordinator for Student Development. All consultation must be done after class hours only.
To ensure the safety and security of the whole school community specially the students, to maintain the physical school environment that is conducive to learning, and to ensure that on-going classes will not be disrupted, everyone is enjoined to follow these guidelines:
Parents or guardians who come to bring or to fetch their children must stay at the gate where the school guard is stationed. No one is allowed to bring or to fetch the children directly to or from the classroom (with the exception of the Preschool Students). A fetchers ID will be issued to parents or guardians from the preschool to grade school will only be granted access during their child’s arrival and dismissal from school.
Parents are allowed to assist the students with their bag for grades 1 and 2 only until the 2nd week of classes. After that, parents are only allowed up to the gate. Parents of the preschool are only allowed to assist, not carry the bag of their children.
Parents and visitors are not allowed to enter the campus during class hours unless a prior appointment has been made. Visitors will be escorted at all times to ensure that there is no disruption of classes.
Parents who wish to consult with the faculty and/or the Principal should comply with the rules for Independent Consultation as previously discussed in the earlier section.
In the formation of students towards being an ethical professional, everyone in school specially the teachers and staff follow a strict dress code to model to the students. In this connection, visitors are enjoined to follow the same dress code policy. Individuals wearing slippers, shorts, sando’s and revealing clothing will not be allowed to enter the campus. Access shall be provided only up to the lobby area. Parents / fetchers in violation of the dress code may be asked to leave the campus at any time.
Only vehicles with school issued stickers may enter the campus through the Meadowood access road. Vehicles shall be confined around the vicinity of the open courts. Please observe a 10 kph speed limit while inside the campus.
Birthday parties are not allowed. However, celebrants may distribute loot bags during dismissal time with permission from the Coordinators. Any form of food and drinks are not allowed for distribution.
All grade school pupils will be confined at the canteen area where they are expected to wait for their respective fetchers within 30 minutes after dismissal. Students will not be allowed to loiter around the campus to facilitate their pick-up.
Students should bring just enough money for their daily needs. On most cases, transactions should be made only with the accounting office unless otherwise acknowledged by the Executive Vice President.
The bringing of mobile phones are allowed provided that it is used only outside the classroom during recess or lunch breaks. Tablets and notebook computers may also be brought to school. However, they may not be used during class hours unless it has been programmed with a school issued eBook. Please note that devices registered as an eBook must not contain games and their related applications.
Those violating the aforementioned will have their gadgets confiscated and will be allowed to be retrieved after five (5) days for the first offense and thirty (30) days for the second offense. Repeat offenders will be able to claim their devices at the end of the school year.
The school will not be held liable for any losses related to this matter.
In case a student needs to bring any form of electronic equipment (guitar, radio, media device, etc) as part of a school activity, the student should submit a letter of request endorsed by the subject teacher to the Academic Coordinator at least 2 days before the scheduled use. The Prefect of Discipline will issue an equipment gate pass to the Security Guard for its entry and to authorize its use. The said device will be surrendered to the Center for Student Development until it is to be actually used. The student is held responsible for these materials.
Out of school activities, whether co-curricular or extra-curricular, are activities that serve to enrich the learning of students. Parents are informed of these activities in advance through an official letter from the school signed by the Principal or the Executive Vice President with an attached reply slip that the parents fill up. Students are required to return the Reply Slip back to the Class Adviser in due time. Parents should be aware that in the absence of this letter, such activity is deemed unsanctioned by the school. The school cannot be held responsible whatsoever.
Students may be allowed to use the school’s facilities for practices to be presented during classes and school wide assemblies. However they are governed by the following guidelines: That each practice should not extend beyond 6 PM and that their subject teacher or class adviser should be present during the practice. Out of school practices are definitely not allowed. Students found to have violated this rule will be disqualified if they are competing in a contest or receive a grade demerit if they are practicing for a school project.
Students must only transact payments at the accounting office or bookstore. Under no circumstance will teachers be allowed to make any form of collection and or require a student to submit any purchased item as project. Such item has not been made by the student themselves and therefore cannot be considered a project.
To ensure the success of our Home School Collaboration Program, parents must immediately update the school through the child’s Class Adviser on any change in their address or phone numbers. From time to time the school sends broadcast text messages to parents and therefore it is important that their number on file is up to date.
In as much as we want to develop self-reliance, independence and personal responsibility among our students, the students are expected to come to school complete with all the homework, projects and school requirements everyday. They will not be allowed to call the house to have forgotten things be delivered to school. The security office is likewise instructed not to accept any material for project, and the like to be left under their care. Forgotten things are deemed forgotten!
CSSM is constantly aware of its responsibility towards the children entrusted unto its care. In this regard, no student will
be allowed to leave the campus at any time during classes without the Early Departure Slip Parents who need to bring
their child home during class hours have to secure an Early Departure Slip from the Center for Student Development
issued by the Prefect of Discipline. Issuance of the slip is only during lunch time.
It is understood that enrollment is for one school year. However, if the parent/guardian must withdraw/drop the child from the official student roster, certain fees must be paid accordingly. The schedule of fees is as follows:
- Drop/withdrawal during the first week of classes -- 10% of Total assessed fees will be charged
- Drop/withdrawal during the second week of classes -- 25% of Total assessed fees will be charged
- Drop/withdrawal after the second week of classes -- 100% of Total assessed fees will be charged
In the case of the Nursery and Kindergarten 1, if the account remains unsettled after the third notice of payment, and/or the school does not receive any communication from the parent/guardian, the child/ren will not be admitted into his/her classroom.
The discipline system is an integral part of CSSM education. This is founded on the idea that educational goals, aims and objectives can only be realized if there is order and discipline, cooperation and sensitivity to others. Because of this, students are expected to behave in a manner that speaks well of CSSM and the student’s parents. Discipline is looked upon as a very important training towards self-control and character formation.
Specifically, the discipline system of the school has the following objectives:
To develop in the students the sense of responsibility towards others through the practice of servant leadership and
good followership.
To further strengthen the Filipino values of paggalang, pakikipag-kapwa, pakiki-isa for the purpose of fostering
community – oriented behavior
To provide opportunities for the development of young people who are maka-Diyos, maka-tao, maka-bansa at maka
To foster in the students a deep respect for the rights of others, their beliefs and opinions and their property, respect
for authority, and respect for the policies, rules and regulations of the family and school in particular, and community
and the country in general.
To develop students who are self-confident, self-disciplined, self-reliant and inner directed with a high degree of self
To foster courtesy, initiative, helpfulness, integrity and dependability.
These objectives are the bases of coming up with the Personality and Character Development Rating, a rubric used to evaluate the progress and growth of students in deportment. All the subject teachers of the level rate each of the students. Then deliberation will be conducted together with the Prefect of Discipline, Guidance Counselor and the Coordinator for Student Development. The average is computed to come up with the final rating to be reported to parents through the Report Card. The final rating will be reported to parents through the Report Card.
Attend all classes regularly and punctually.
Wear complete school uniform, Scouting uniform and PE uniform properly. The school identification card and lace part of the uniform.
In case civilian attire is require, please follow the appropriate dress code.
Show courtesy and respect to all members of the school community at all times. Greet all persons in authority, faculty members, staff and visitors wherever and whenever you meet them.
Stand in attention during Flag Ceremony. and Flag Retreat.
Maintain silence in the classroom, corridors, and library. Avoid roaming around the corridors during classes. If possible go to the comfort rooms only during break time.
Avoid any form of behavior that may disrupt or interrupt classes in sessions such as stamping of feet, howling,
shouting or boisterous laughter.
Help in maintaining order and cleanliness in the classrooms, corridors, canteen and in the entire campus. Put things (chairs, tables, etc) in order after using them. Dispose garbage in proper receptacles.
Help in lessening the effects of global warming by putting off lights, air conditioning units and other electrical appliances and equipment when not in use.
Be ready with all materials needed for the class activities.
Leave the classroom only when you have a Hallway Pass, a Call Slip from either the Prefect of Discipline, Guidance Counselor, Principal or an Administrator who would like to call for you and a Clinic Referral Slip if you need to go to the clinic.
Refrain from loitering in front of the administration building, canteen areas, gymnasium, and open court during class hours.
Follow all policies, rules and regulations faithfully. Observe proper decorum at all times.
Regular and punctual attendance is absolutely necessary for successful school work. Habitual and incorrigible absences and tardiness are subject to disciplinary action. The following guidelines should be observed by all students of CSSM:
The day starts at 07:30 AM in the morning. A pupil/student is expected to be in his/her designated area of the line formation ten (10) minutes before the start of the assembly.
A student/pupil who arrives at school after 7:30 AM will be considered LATE and must sign in and secure a tardiness slip to be signed by their parents and submitted the next day to their class adviser.
b. A student who arrives 15 minutes after the start of a class period will not be allowed to enter the classroom and
will have to stay outside the Center for Student Development until the next period.
If a student is able to enter the school premises at exactly 7:30 AM at the sound of the bell, the student is allowed to enter to join his/her peers in the line formation for the Morning Assembly.
A student who incurs four (4) days of tardiness within the period of one month shall receive a one (1) day suspension.
In case a student is to be sent home due to illness, it will be the school representative who will contact the parents to fetch their child and will be required to secure an Early Departure Slip. The child will only be released to parents or authorized guardians.
A student is expected to be responsible for all assignments and school work that s/he missed during his/her tardiness or absences.
Students who have been sick with communicable diseases must first obtain clearance with the school physician before being issued the permit to attend classes. As much as possible, appointments with their doctors should be made on weekends and after class hours so that the attendance in class will not be sacrificed.
A student who has been absent in excess of 20% of the total number of school days during the school year shall be dropped as per Department of Education Order No. 35 S-1993.
A student who goes to the clinic must present a clinic referral slip to the subject teacher from the doctor or nurse before returning to the classroom. The slip will indicate the date and time of confinement in the clinic.
Conscientious, correct and proper use of their own school supplies and materials will eventually lead to correct and proper use of the country's natural resources in the future. CSSM students therefore are taught and expected to show concern to their school materials by observing the following rules:
The student must come to school equipped with the complete materials prescribed for class such as Student’s Handbook, books, pen, notebooks, pad paper and the like.
Students will not be allowed to have their projects be delivered by any other person during the day. The Security guards have already been instructed not to allow any person to endorse anything for a student without the express permission of the school administrator. Forgotten things are deemed forgotten.
The student is expected to show simplicity of lifestyle in the kind of materials he brings to school. Students are discouraged from bringing materials like expensive writing instruments, bags, rubber shoes, etc.
Unnecessary/prohibited materials in the school:
- Make-up
- Fancy Jewelries
- Toys, game cards, board games and other similar items
- Bladed and pointed weapons (including swiss knives and cutters)
- Cigarettes, lighters and matches
- Firecrackers
- Pornographic materials
- Alcoholic beverages and other prohibited substances
The aforementioned items will automatically be confiscated and returned only to the parents after five (5) days. Repeat offenders will be available to claim the item at the end of the school year. Frequent violation of this rule would merit a more severe disciplinary consequence.
In the process of formation of CSSM students into individuals as envisioned in the mission and vision of the school, the school prescribes the use of a uniform and grooming standard for the students. The school needs the cooperation of the home to achieve this especially on the development of habits of personal hygiene and good grooming in the student. The rules and regulations on the use of the prescribed uniform must be observed strictly inside and outside the school premises and during functions.
The uniform comprises several types and are the following:
The REGULAR SCHOOL UNIFORM- This is worn at least 4 times a week for grade school and high school in practically all school functions.
Maroon sport shirt with CSSM seal sewn on the left breast
A pair of khaki long pants
A pair of black socks
Black shoes
White blouse with regular collar (baby collar, etc will not be acceptable)
Maroon vest with school seal on the left breast
Khaki mini skirt must only rise to a maximum of 2” above the knee
A pair of knee high black socks
Black Shoes
The P.E. UNIFORM - This is worn at least once a week for grade school and high school students. Students may already come to school in this uniform.
1. Students should come to school in complete P.E. uniform and be worn before and after P.E. time.
2. A pair of white or black socks only.
3. Students may bring extra shirt (old activity shirt or any Markian shirt only) to be worn during their P.E. time.
4. Changing of extra shirts is only allowed at the gym restroom.
The ACTIVITY UNIFORM – This is worn only on special occasions such as outbound educational trips and other similar activity.
The uniform is a symbol of CSSM’s identity as an institution of learning, any student who violates the rules and regulations on the school uniform will be dealt with accordingly. Moreover, it must be noted that any misconduct/misbehavior committed by the student in uniform while off campus is still subject to the rules and regulations governing the institution’s discipline system.
1. Come to school properly groomed with proper and correct haircut for boys and properly tied hair for girls. Boys are
required to maintain a conventional, decent and manly haircut. Haircut inspection will be done twice a month.
a. Hair on top may not go beyond the eyebrows when pulled down.
b. Hair at the nape should be at least one inch above the tip of the shirt collar.
c. Fancy hairstyle or unreasonable shaving of head is prohibited.
d. Spiked, tinted or dyed hair for boys and girls are strictly prohibited.
2. Only students wearing the prescribed uniform properly worn will be admitted to classes and will be allowed to make
transaction in any office of the school.
3. Baller, excessive or outrageous jewelry is strictly prohibited. Likewise, the wearing of make-up, painted and long nail
is not allowed.
4. For the boys, using of ankle socks, colored, iconic or elite socks, pants with skinny fit cut are not allowed.
The following rules describe the proper use of the school identification card, and are expected to be followed by all CSSM students:
1. The student should wear his Identification Card before he is allowed to enter the school campus and for as long as he is
inside the school campus up to dismissal time.
2. The ID should be pinned on the official school strap (no other straps allowed). The face of the ID bearing the name and
picture of the owner should be prominently displayed.
3. No unnecessary items or decoration must be placed on the ID except for the honor pins.
4. Faded or torn out IDs should be replaced at the cost of the student.
5. The ID is not transferable, and it will be forfeited if any violation, addition, erasure or displacement is made thereon.
6. If a student loses or forgets his ID, he should immediately report it to the Center for Student Development.
7. Students may use their ID to borrow books in the library or the Learning Resource Center.
8. The school identification card and lace part of the uniform.
An orderly and peaceful classroom is a must in order for meaningful learning to occur. As such, every CSSM student is required to observe the following rules and procedures:
Be respectful, courteous, and polite to all school personnel and school mates at all times.
Come to class prepared for the lessons. The period must be spent only for activities that are related to the lessons.
Bring your own materials to class. Buy school supplies and materials you need before the time to avoid asking from
your classmates. Purchasing items from the bookstore is not allowed during class hours.
Refrain from going out during class hours. You may only be allowed to go to the washroom once during each subject.
Before leaving the classroom make sure that you have the permission of your teacher. A student who is caught outside
of his/her classroom during class hours without the necessary pass will receive the appropriate disciplinary
consequence equivalent to cutting classes
REMEMBER: you are only allowed to leave your classroom during regular class hours if you possess the following:
a. The , in case you need to go to the washroom.
b. The , if you need to go to the clinic.
c. The , if either the Prefect of Discipline, Guidance Counselor, Principal, or Administrator would like
to call for you
Respect the privacy of others.
It is most becoming of a student to sit properly at all times. Take your proper place in accordance with the prescribed
sitting arrangements and try to avoid moving from your seat without the teacher’s consent.
7. Observe the procedures set by the class for an orderly entrance and exit in the classroom. Pass quietly into the
classroom as soon as the signal for entering is given. Students are expected to develop the habit of lining-up as a sign
of self-discipline and control.
8. Listen attentively at all times. Show consideration to others by keeping quiet and refraining from making unnecessary
noise when somebody is reciting. Loud or boisterous talking, laughing, shouting, screaming during class period is not
9. It is a practice of good class spirit to stand when your teacher or a visitor enters or leaves the room. Practice the habit
of addressing your teacher and/or visitor with the proper greeting (Miss, Madam, Mister, Teacher, etc.)
10. Cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom is the concern of every member of the class. Cooperate in keeping and
maintaining the classroom as neat and clean as possible by putting all things in their proper places; cleaning the
blackboards, and throwing waste papers into the trash cans. It is expected that students become proactive in
maintaining the cleanliness of the school’s surroundings.
11. Personal visits or visitors during class hours are not allowed.
12. Avoid staying inside the classroom during recess time unless authorized or except during inclement weather.
13. If your teacher fails to arrive within the first five minutes, the class vice president should inform the Assistant to the
Academic Coordinator. The class president will remain in charge in this temporary absence.
14. If you want to go out of the classroom between periods, you have to ask permission from the incoming subject
teacher before leaving the room. A HALLWAY PASS (only 1 student at a time) will be given to you. If the incoming
teacher is not available you may not leave the classroom at any time.
15. Eating in the classroom for the high school students is strictly prohibited. Snacks and meals may only be taken in the
canteen or in other designated areas. Grade school students are allowed to stay in the classroom to eat snacks or
lunch in the presence of a Prefect Teacher. Students are expected to maintain cleanliness at all times by depositing
their garbage in their respective receptacles. Classrooms in the High School area will be closed during lunch break.
The following rules whenever you are outside of the classroom are to be strictly followed by all students at all times:
Keep right when passing along the corridors and in going up and down the stairs.
Avoid loitering along the corridors or near the classrooms when classes are going on.
Boisterous talking, using profane or improper language, shouting or screaming, is a conduct unbecoming of a lady
and gentleman alike. These are therefore prohibited.
Organizing or joining organizations not authorized by the school is strictly prohibited.
Smoking, drinking and/or taking of prohibited drugs are strictly prohibited.
Students are prohibited from inflicting or attempting bodily harm to others. As such engaging in any form of rough
play or fighting is discouraged among students.
Recess and lunch periods are not to be used for play.
School facilities are provided to make the student’s stay in the school comfortable and enjoyable. These facilities support the school’s learning objectives. Therefore the student is expected to:
Help in keeping the school always clean by refraining from spitting, littering, damaging properties, defacing the chairs and tables, vandalizing the walls and the like.
The comfort rooms are regularly cleaned for your hygiene. Properly dispose waste materials in their respective receptacles and take good care of the toilet fixtures.
The teacher’s table is private. The student should keep away from it.
The property of other students must also be respected. You must make sure to ask the permission of the owner before getting or using anything that does not belong to you.
Exercise due care for library books, laboratory equipment, kitchen utensils, etc.
Official documents such as report cards, letters to parents, and the like should be handled with care.
The tables in the gazebos and other eating areas are not for sitting. Use them properly. Leave the tables clean after eating.
Relocating tables and chairs from their original location is not allowed without prior permission from the office of the EVP.
Students shall always practice “clean as you go” policy after using school facilities.
Students are not allowed to enter or loiter around the following restricted areas:
Faculty rooms, library faculty corner, canteen faculty corner, and faculty washrooms
Clinic except for valid reasons (sickness, accident, etc)
Administration Offices except on official business
Hallways, locker area and canteen during class hours
Backyard of the main building
School gates and perimeter fence
Classrooms without written permission
Classrooms besides your own
Laboratories in the absence of a teacher
Toilets washrooms designated for particular grade levels
Except during recess, all classroom doors in the High School level will be closed. Use of the classroom after class hours is not allowed without proper authorization from the Executive Vice President. Grade school classrooms on the other hand will remain open during break time as they are accompanied by their teachers during meals. Air conditioning may only be opened at 7:30am and used up to the last class period only.
Oral warning or reprimand.
Written warning through the Violation Report which is a communication means to the parents who should sign and return it within three (3) days.
Ordinary Suspension – The suspended Grade 4 to High School student reports to the Prefect of Discipline for detention (Students are restricted to one area and are not allowed to leave that area at all times) Suspended students are not allowed to make up for any missed classroom evaluation activities.
Modified Suspension – The suspended student is tasked to perform community service for a given period usually over a period of several days.
Dropping – a school may drop from its roll during the school year or term, a student who is undesirable. The student who is dropped will be issued immediately his transfer credentials.
Expulsion from the school.
Students are not only warned of committing such offences while in campus but also off campus while in uniform or not for as long as the student can be identified as a member of this community.
1. Offense Category A:
The sanctions imposed for the commission of each of these offenses are:
1st Violation – Oral Warning
2nd Violation – Written Warning
3rd Violation – Parent Conference
4th Violation – One day suspension
Report on Learners Observed Values: RO in a particular core value/s
1.1 Non-submission of letter of excuse required from absence or tardiness
1.2 Non-observance of deadlines of submission of report cards, reply slips, contracts, violation reports (VRs) and other
official communication
1.3 Littering and Loitering
1.4 Shouting, inattention, chewing gums, teasing, horse playing, howling in class or along the corridors, library, during
flag ceremony, meetings, mass and other school activity
1.5 Non-observance of the forgotten things policy.
1.6 Other similar offenses
2. Offense Category B
1st Violation – Written Warning
2nd Violation – Parent Conference
3rd Violation – One day suspension
Report on Learners Observed Values: RO in a particular core value/s
4th Violation – 2-day suspension
Report on Learners Observed Values: Failed in conduct for all core values
2.1 Frequent unexcused tardiness (which includes after recess and lunch breaks and between periods)
2.2 Incomplete and improper use of school and P.E. uniform, NO Identification Card
2.3 Unauthorized haircut, hairstyling, and eyebrow shaving
2.4 Unexcused absenteeism
2.5 Unauthorized staying in the classrooms or offices during breaks
2.6 Breaking into or disrupting class and school functions
2.8 Other similar offenses
3. Offense Category C
1st violation – Violation Report, 2-day suspension
Report on Learners Observed Values: RO in a particular core value/s\
Failed score in test in case of cheating
2nd violation – Violation Report, 5-day suspension
Report on Learners Observed Values: Failed in conduct for all core values
3rd violation – Exclusion
Cutting classes/Truancy
Using someone else’s I.D and/or password to personal accounts Bringing to school prohibited items such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, intoxicating liquor, wine and beer. Smoking /vaping within school premises or within the perimeter of the school.
Cheating in any kind of test possession of any kind of note relative to the test taken, using electronic media during a test, looking at somebody’s paper, copying or allowing someone to copy from test papers, talking without permission during a test .
Leaving the campus without early departure slip.
Indecent public demonstration of affection (holding hands, kissing, necking, heckling, petting and other similar actions)
Forgery of parent’s, guardian’s, teacher’s or other school official’s signature.
Unauthorized taking of photographs and/or videos of any member of the school community
Publishing or circulating false or malicious information about the school, a teacher or any school official or student on print or other forms of social media.
Threatening, intimidating, provoking or coercing any member of the school community.
Drinking or smoking outside of the school campus while wearing the school uniform
Fighting or inflicting injury upon any member of the school community, visitors and guests.
Gambling in any form inside the school premises
Scandalous behavior that are contrary to norms of morality.
Possession of pornographic materials.
Using Profane or indecent language/gesture (including posts in social networks).
Bullying (physical/verbal/relational/cyber) “any form” and any place.
Other offenses deemed appropriate.
4. Offense Category D
1st violation – Violation Report, 5-day suspension
Report on Learners Observed Values: Failed in conduct for all core values
2nd violation –Expulsion
4.1 Gross disrespect, disobedience, assault or abusive behavior toward school authorities, including refusal or failure to
submit to safety requirements such as search and seizure procedure.
4.2 Affiliation with an organization which is contrary to the school’s philosophy, objectives, policies and rules, such as
underground fraternities, sororities and associations.
4.3 Unauthorized use of school’s and school official’s name for any purpose, such as to solicit funds or donation or hold
unauthorized parties, balls, and other activities.
4.4 Hazing, involvement in initiation practices.
4.5 Possession, use or bringing on campus or into off campus activities of prohibited or regulated drugs, including shabu,
4.6 Carrying or possession of any deadly weapon, explosives or ammunition including firecrackers and pillbox in the
school premises.
4.7 Vandalism or destruction of school property or attempt thereto .
4.8 Extortion.
4.9 Dishonesty such as stealing, misappropriation of class or school funds, cheating in personal dealing with other
members of the community, not returning found articles and other forms of dishonesty.
4.10 Instigating, leading or participating in concerted activities leading to stoppage of classes.
4.11 Commission of a crime inside or outside of the school related activities that a prima facie evidence exists in an
appropriate criminal investigation by school authorities.
4.12 Coming to school and school-related activities under the influence of liquor, wine, and intoxicating drinks or
prohibited drugs.
4.13 Malicious mischief.
4.14 Other similar offenses.
The list/classification of offenses appearing herein are not all inclusive, therefore, students maybe noted disciplinary actions for offenses other than those listed here in above or under subsequent amendment or modifications of this handbook. LIKEWISE, THE SCHOOL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPOSE LIGHTER OR STIFFER PENALTIES FOR OFFENSES COMMITTED DEPENDING ON THE ATTENDING CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE.
Second offense which fall under Offense Category C, first offense under Category D and as the need arises will automatically be under the jurisdiction of the Discipline Committee composed of the following individuals:
a) Guidance Counselor
b) Teacher as represented by the class adviser or faculty representative
c) Prefect of Discipline
d) Student Council President
e) Classroom President or Student Council Level Representative
The Discipline Committee will meet as the need arises to review the current state of the Discipline System as well as review all pending cases that have occurred for the duration.
Each case will be carefully deliberated upon submission of all the pertinent facts and evidences. The Discipline Committee has the right to implement sanctions based on what is prescribed in this Student’s Handbook. Only the school president, with finality, has the right to reverse any decision made by the discipline committee.