High School Work

Technical Vocational training is now being seen as an important catalyst to nation building. It is vital for economic and social development. Income made by our Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW) contribute to a big percentage of the Gross National Product. As the demand for our OFWs become more apparent, there is greater need to produce skilled workers (a prerequisite for overseas employment).
College and Tertiary education has its limitations given the large number of graduates they produce annually. The local labor market is not large enough to absorb all these graduates leading to a large number of people jobless. Owing to this, many are starting to realise that technical / vocational training as a means to uplift themselves from poverty given the greater opportunity gain employment and to earn more abroad. "Technical Vocational education is where the money is".
CSSM offers training to the following skills:
1. Cargiving NC2
2. Healthcare Services NC2
3. Cookery NC2
4. Bread and Pastry NC2
There are two means to undergo training. The first being tuition based (self paying) the second being scholarship based. Most of the programs of CSSM are scholarship based (Free training) and they are made available to those interested on a regular basis. Caregiving on the other hand has both paid and scholar program given the greater demand for them abroad.
Slots under the scholarship program are filled out faster than it is given so those interested to apply may simply register on campus as soon as possible to put you in line with the next batch of scholars.
Maximum age for scholars is 50 years old.

Course Description:
The Care giving NCII Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to Provide care and Support to infants / toddlers, Provide care and support children , Foster Social, intellectual, creative and emotional development of children Foster the physical development of children provide care and support to elderly, Provide care and support to people with special needs, maintain healthy and safety environment, respond to emergency clean living room ,dining room, bedrooms, toilet and bat room, wash and iron clothes linen , fabric, prepare hot and cold meals .
Nominal Duration: 786 Hours (8 Modules)
Schedule: Monday - Friday (8:00 AM to 2:00 PM)
The following are the basic requirements:
2 pcs.1x1 ID picture ( white background)
Form 137,TOR or diploma
3 pcs Long brown envelope
NSO Birth Certificate/ Marriage contract
OPTION A (All-in package FULL PAYMENT) Php 19,000.00
OPTION B (Instalment payment)
Downpayment Php 4,400 (includes non-refundable payment for Entrance Exam, Processing Fee, Uniform)
Payment every module Php 1,825 x 8 (number of modules)
WE also offer Saturday only classes for non-Canada bound students. A different rate shall apply
*If payment is by module, the student must fully settle all outstanding fees prior to moving to the next module.
COOKERY NC II (WTR 201504022330)
Course Description:
The cookery NCII qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to clean kitchen areas, cook/ prepare hot, cold meals and desserts for guests in various food and beverage service facilities.
Nominal Duration : 316 Hours (5 Modules)
Monday , Wednesday, Friday – 8:00 am – 11:00am
Monday , Wednesday, Friday – 1: 00 pm – 4:00 pm
Monday , Wednesday, Friday - 6:00 pm – 9:00pm
Tuition Scheme :
Option A – Full payment – Php 20,800.00
Option B – Modular payment
Downpayment Php 3, 600.00 (includes non-refundable payment for entrance exam, processing fee, uniform)
Modular payment 2,600.00 x 5 (Modules)
*If payment is by module, the student must fully settle all outstanding fees prior to moving to the next module.
Admission Requirements:
2 pcs.1x1 ID picture ( white background)
Form 137,TOR or diploma
3 pcs Long brown envelope
NSO Birth Certificate/ Marriage contract
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a person to attain a clean equipment, tools and utensils and prepare, portion and plate pastries, breads and other desserts items to guest in hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, canteens, resorts and luxury lines/cruises and other related operations
Nominal Duration: 141 Hours ( Modules)
Tuesday , Thursday Saturday – 8:00 am – 11:00am
Tuesday , Thursday Saturday – 1: 00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tuesday , Thursday Saturday - 6:00 pm – 9:00pm
The following are the basic requirements:
2 pcs.1x1 ID picture ( white background)
Form 137,TOR or diploma
3 pcs Long brown envelope
NSO Birth Certificate/ Marriage contract
OPTION A (All-in package FULL PAYMENT) Php 17,000
OPTION B (Installment payment)
Downpayment Php 4,400 (includes non-refundable payment for Entrance Exam, Processing Fee, Uniform)
Payment every module Php 3,400 x (number of modules)
*If payment is by module, the student must fully settle all outstanding fees prior to moving to the next module.
TESDA pursues the assessment and certification of the competencies of the middle-level skilled workers through Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS). The assessment process seeks to determine whether the graduate or worker can perform to the standards expected in the workplace based on the defined competency standards. Certification is provided to those who meets the competency standards. This ensures the productivity, quality and global competitiveness of the middle-level workers.
CSSM is an accredited assessment center of TESDA with the following programs:
Healthcare Services (AC-HCS0204021416172)
Caregiving NC II (AC-CGV0204021416171)
click to see Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (ptqcs) Primer
click to see Frequently asked questions
Steps in Applying for Assessment and Certification - Regular Qualifications
Assessment shall cover only Qualifications with promulgated Training Regulations. See List.
STEP 1: Go to any TESDA Accredited Assessment Centers/TESDA District or Provincial Office near your location (See List Here) and apply for assessment.
STEP 2: Submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Duly accomplished Application Form;
2. Properly and completely filled-out Self Assessment Guide of your chosen qualification;
3. Three (3) pieces of colored and passport size picture, white background, with collar and with name printer at the back;
STEP 3: Pay the Assessment Fee at the Assessment Center Cashier and get Official Receipt and Admission Slip. Php 350.00
STEP 4: Be present at the scheduled date and assigned venue of assessment indicated in the Admission Slip.
STEP 5: Get the Competency Assessment Result Summary (CARS) at the Assessment Center.
STEP 6: Assessment passers must apply for certification at the TESDA District/Provincial Office where the assessment center/venue is under jurisdiction.
STEP 7: Assessment passers can claim their National Certificate (NC)/Certificate of Competency (COC) seven (7) working days after application for the issuance of COC/NC.
1. NC/COC must be released directly to the applicant. However, if to be claimed by a representative, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) by the applicant should be submitted.
2. Assessment Results (CARS), Official Receipt issued by Assessment Centers and valid Identification Card (ID) should be also presented upon claiming of COCs.
3. Falsification or fraudulent duplication of documents shall be ground for disqualification/forfeiture of the right to participate in any assessment certification or similar program of TESDA.
STEP 1: Go to TESDA District or Provincial Issuing Office of your present certificate (NC/COC) and apply for renewal.
NOTE: In areas where Training Regulations (TR) has been promulgated, holders of NC/COC shall upon expiration undergo competency assessment based on the new TR.
In the absence of a new promulgated Training Regulations (TR), holders of NC or COC shall upon expiration be renewed upon request of holder and after verification in the RWAC.
STEP 2: Submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Duly Accomplished Application Form
2. Original NC/COC
3. Three (3) pieces of colored and passport size picture, white background; and
4. Certificate of work and/or teaching experience for at least 12 months during the validity period of the NC/COC in the relevant qualification and duly signed by the employer and/or school administrator. (For self-employed : signed by an official of any appropriate government agency)
STEP 3: Pay the Renewal Fee at the Assessment Center Cashier and get the Official Receipt.
STEP 4: Claim your NC/COC on the scheduled date given by the TESDA issuing office.
1. NC/COC must be released directly to the applicant. However, if to be claimed by a representative, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) by the applicant should be submitted.
2. Official Receipt and valid Identification Card (ID) should be also presented upon claiming of NC/COCs.
3. Falsification or fraudulent duplication of documents shall be ground for disqualification/forfeiture of the right to participate in any assessment certification or similar program of TESDA.
STEP 1: Go to the TESDA-issuing office of your NC/COC and apply for replacement.
STEP 2: Submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Letter of Request
2. Duly notarized Affidavit of Loss
3. Picture (1 pc., colored, passport size)
STEP 3: Claim your NC/COC on the scheduled date given by the TESDA issuing office.
STEP 1: Go to the TESDA-issuing office of your NC/COC and apply for replacement.
STEP 2: Submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Letter of Request
2. Original NC/COC
3. Picture (1 pc., colored, passport size)
STEP 3: Claim your NC/COC on the scheduled date given by the TESDA issuing office.
STEP 1: Go to the TESDA-issuing office of your NC/COC and apply for correction of entry in NC/COC.
STEP 2: Submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Letter of Request
2. Original copy of the NC/COC
3. Picture (1 pc., colored, passport size)
4. Certified photocopy of the Passport or Birth Certificate
STEP 3: Claim your NC/COC on the scheduled date given by the TESDA issuing office.
1. NC/COC must be released directly to the applicant. However, if to be claimed by a representative, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) by the applicant should be submitted.
2. Official Receipt and valid Identification Card (ID) should be also presented upon claiming of NC/COCs.
3. Falsification or fraudulent duplication of documents shall be ground for disqualification/forfeiture of the right to participate in any assessment certification or similar program of TESDA.
STEP 1: Go to the TESDA-issuing office of your NC/COC and apply for Certificate of Authentication and Verification (CAV).
STEP 2: Submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Two (2) photocopies of the NC/COC
2. Original NC/COC
STEP 3: Pay the authentication fee (P50.00) to the Cashier and get Official Receipt
STEP 4: Present Official Receipt to the TESDA Issuing Office for CAV.
STEP 5: Get the CAV document from the TESDA Office.
Source: http://www.tesda.gov.ph

Training modality as of 30 September 2020
As per the directive of TESDA, training for the new batches of scholars/trainees will be a mixture of online and face to face interaction. CSSM is only one of a few schools deemed compliant to engage in this method. The start of the new batch will be sometime this October 2020. Please register now to reserve a slot which will be very limited.
verify your tesda nc2 certificate
We have partnered with TrueProfile.io - powered by the DataFlow Group, the leading provider of document verification services, and we are offering each of our healthcare alumni the ability to verify their NC2 FREE of charge (regular price: USD 179).
A verified national certificate will help to build trust with employers around the world, and save precious time during the application process for your next dream job abroad as employers will simply need to connect with the trueprofile database to confirm the authenticity of your document.
All you need to do to redeem your free verification is to:
Sign up with TrueProfile.io via this link: http://bit.ly/MLSN-VERIFY
After setting your password and filling out your personal data, go to the ‘Products & Pricing’ section and choose ‘Education’ (Single Document)
Enter our voucher code at checkout: (Your School's Voucher Code)
Most important: UPLOAD your degree certificate
You can get hired by international employers in the healthcare sector right away by uploading your documents and completing your information immediately after signing up.
With the help of TrueProfile.io, you can also build a digital CV and be found by employers who are looking to hire verified graduates just like you!
If you have any questions regarding this service, please reach out to help@trueprofile.io, and the TrueProfile.io team will support you with any request.
We wish all of our alumni all the best for their career journeys ahead. Stay safe!